

A nervous system stimulator like no other.

  • HIGHLY-EFFECTIVE as a nerve stimulator.
  • TONES the nervous system.
  • BUILDS AND REPAIRS frayed nerve endings


What’s in it:

Ingredients: Skullcap Herb, Wild Oat Seed, Lavender Flower, St. John’s Wort Flower, Celery Seed, Green Coffee Bean.

Who Needs It?

Nerve problems seem to be increasingly common in today’s toxic environment in which we live. Some examples of neurological problems include:

  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • Epilepsy
  • Frequent migraines
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Brain tumours
  • Stroke
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Spinal cord injury
  • Dementia
  • Myasthenia Gravis
  • Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (otherwise known as ALS, Lou Gehrig’s disease or Motor Neurone disease)

Neurological disorders can have a varying effect on our lives, ranging from slightly annoying to completely life-altering, with the patient requiring around-the-clock care.

How it works:

This nerve tonic is comprised of a selection of herbs renowned for their ability to stimulate and restore health to the nervous system.

It includes:

  • SKULLCAP HERB: has traditionally been used to promote a healthy nervous system. In particular, to help deal with nervous tension, stress, agitation and anxiety. It is said to relax tight and over-excited muscles, sooth and remedy irregularities in the nervous system and relieve nervous disorders. It has historically been used for conditions such as epilepsy and nervous spasms.
  • WILD OAT SEED: is high in a range of vitamins and minerals such as protein, calcium, magnesium, silicon, potassium and iron, which are necessary for a healthy nervous system. As such, Oats have historically been used for a range of different nervous conditions.
  • LAVENDER: is a very calming, soothing and relaxing herb which has been used to relieve stress, tension, persistent nervousness, irritability and insomnia. it is said to help relieve symptoms of nervous exhaustion and trauma and have a tonic effect on the nervous system. Lavender is also used to reduce muscular tension, and both physical and nervous exhaustion.
  • JOHN’S WORT: is famous worldwide for its ability to calm the nerves and treat depression, restlessness, emotional and nervous system disorders, stress and hysteria. It is said to have a sedative effect on the body and treat nerve pain, including sciatica, back pain, neuralgia and headaches.
  • CELERY SEED: is said to have a calming effect on frayed nerves and give strength to the nervous system. This herb is used to calm the central nervous system and give relief to nervous disorders.
  • GREEN COFFEE BEAN: in a similar manner to the other herbs in this formula, green coffee beans are considered to stimulate the nervous system, particularly the brain. While caffeine is often looked upon negatively, it is important to remember that coffee is a herb. its effects can be used for good effect on the body when it is not taken in excess.

How to Take it:

Suggested dosage: take two droppers-full, 2-4 times each day in 60ml of water.